Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Cops Vs. Capes
Monday, July 18, 2011
Bring me the changeling child!!!
Instead of just simply finishing Bat Paper's long-delayed "Theatre of the Omnivorous", I've decided to drop this Midsummer Night's Dream themed EP in light of my spending so much time around like Shakespeare and actors and shit. It's some really tough sounding grindcore kinda stuff that definitely doesn't sound like the songs that the fairies might have sang for Queen Titania.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
everything to do with dagon
Day of the Tentacle is now a three piece. The original duo of Bat Matt and Dr. Clevins decided to add Mr. Grimm into the mix, being a noise-making Lovecraftian afficionato himself. Mr. Grimm will be contributing majorly to Day of the Tentacle's new Dagon-themed CD EP as well as adding an actual intro sequence to the band's previous endeavor, F'thagn. In addition to that, Diagnostic Theatre will soon be putting out an adaptation of Lovecraft's "Dagon". Day of the Tentacle's forthcoming EP will most likely be used in the sound design for the show, that much is certain as the two projects share members and contributors. When either is complete, everything to do with Dagon will appear here.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
simple to slender
Rather than playing Simple in ISC's summer production of Merry Wives of Windsor, I've been promoted to playing the empty-headed Slender! I'm very excited because this is a bigger part than Simple, so I won't be so confidently clinging to the background action and reacting to lines - no more meek little Matt Callahan, he's gotsta step it up on this one. (We don't want a repeat of the Duke, now do we).
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Hamlet at the Huntington
Shakespeare at Sunset at Huntington Art Gallery
Independent Shakespeare Company
by William Shakespeare
Saturday June 4, 2011
Huntington Library

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
(A child runs onstage, they trip and fall and skin their knee.)
Oooowww!!! DADDY!!!!!!!!
(The child’s father runs onstage as he is beckoned and rushes to the child’s aid.)
Oh, sweetie pie, are you alright? What happened?
(fighting through tears)
I fell…..and…..I tripped……and I hurt my kneeeeeeeeee!
(takes out wallet and opens it)
Oh, darling. There, there. Here, take this and run over there and get yourself something.
(tears coming to a slow stop)
Oh, daddy, thank you! But I don’t think this is enough for what I want.
You’re telling me twenty dollars isn’t enough to get yourself a Bugs Bunny or something?
What’s a Bugs Bunny?
Just run along and go.
But daddy!
(taking out his wallet again)
You know we spoil your rotten, right?
(taking money)
I don’t even know what that means.
(The child turns away in a huff and marches off with a particular sense of entitlement)
Monday, May 2, 2011
You are the Best
by Matt Callahan
(A police officer walks onstage and patrols about the space for a bit while a couple of street urchins come out onstage from opposite wing and set up a dice game. The children play for a while and adlib their conversation while the officer watches from a distance, probably out in the house somewhere.)
(The officer approaches the group of kids and stops just a couple feet away.)
Alright kids, I've let you have your fun. Move along now.
(The children continue their cheering and their game as if they had not heard him.)
Children, gambling is illegal. Especially in public. Now move along or I'll have to get serious.
(One kid, the mouth of the group, stands apart from the group while they resume their game and approaches the officer slowly.)
Stay right where you are now, son. Stay back, you're making me nervous now.
We're not doing the public any harm here officer, please let us be.
Who do you think you are, son? You raising your voice to me?
No, officer. I'm peacefully contesting your decision here.
Get back over there with your friends and clean up your shit.
Officer, we're not some rag tag group of ninja thieves or anything. We're poor people trying to make a lot of money fast.
But better then robbing a store or a bank.
You guys been thinking about doing that? What's your name.
(Another young man rises from the group and approaches the two of them downstage. The officer doesn't see him coming or the spray can in his hand. He throws MOUTH the can who sprays the officer in the eyes with it.)
AHHHHHHHHH!!! OH! Oh my God!
(His cries have completely interrupted the action upstage and the rest of the group rise to their feet and turn their attention to the officer. They do not speak though they show obvious concern for the police officer.)
You guys don't agree, huh? Well say something.
(No one says anything except for the officer crying on the ground. He rises to his feet, his face streaming with tears, and swings his baton wildly about the stage trying to hit anything and everything. The MOUTH and his SECOND dodge about to avoid his attacks. The SECOND kicks the officer's baton away and the MOUTH picks it up. He starts hitting it against the ground next to the officer's head with a rhythm that starts to pick up in pace while his SECOND has been beating on the officer since he disarmed him.)
You boys still disagree?!
Boys, boys, why don't you say something! Say something!
(The MOUTH and his SECOND start to beat on the officer with their firsts and the baton. The light focuses on the terror downstage and fades to black slowly while the grim action unfolds.)
(The lights fade back up slowly on actors in silhouette when the officer begins to rise. He reaches for his gun and points it at the group, whereupon they begin to panic and move frantically about the stage so as to avoid being shot. The officer methodically shoots each one dead despite their effort.)
Take that, shitty ending.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
7 Plays, 7 Days project
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Dollars, Lots of 'Em
"Dollars, Lots of ‘Em"
None of your business.
No one’s ever spoken like this to me before.
Yeah, well get used to it.
Oh shit, get down!
She lunges in front of him and covers his body with hers, we hear the sounds of machine gun fire and she is struck down.
Jesus! Oh, Jesus! Oh my god, are you alright?!
She gets up and stands upright.
Yes, I am, after all, well protected.
Protected by what?
She takes out wads of hundred dollar bills.
Dollars, lots of ‘em.