Friday, December 3, 2010

Meet Diagnostic

So the following two videos are how our little audition project for NBC turned out. The first is the final cut that we submitted to Peacock Productions and the second is the Diagnostic cut, you can tell because it's twice as long (but not twice as self indulgent). We've yet to hear about how the meeting went or if it happened at all yet but Sergio says his boss had been in NY all week, for all I know they could still be there. Anyways, I'll of course report the progress as it becomes available. Please enjoy the comedy.

Diagnostic Final Audition Tape from Devon Thompson on Vimeo.

Diagnostic Extended from Devon Thompson on Vimeo.

Friday, April 23, 2010


There are many irons in the fire these days for this shabby young man. I just recently finished filming a student pilot directed by good friend and fellow Diagnostic, Sergio Serna which co-starred myself and Jimmy Anthony, a very funny fellow of much Diagnostic fame.
(On a side note, the two may be getting together to do a record together, Sergio mentioned some kind of bass and keyboard kind of thing, but whatever it is, Diagnostic will have it.)
Its currently being judged at CBS studios and I'll post it here once available. This project has me hoping that Roommates, Ltd. will soon see the light of day, episodes one and two just need to be edited. There are also talks of adapting one of my ten minute plays into a short or webisode, and I'm currently debating which would be best suited for the medium.