Thursday, August 28, 2014

Palmdale Now in 3 International Film Festivals

United LA Film Festival
Cincinnati International Film Festival and the 
Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy birthday, little sis~

 Forever my favorite little "orphan", Sara Jane. This is she and I in "Oliver!" circa 1998. Happy birthday, Sara Beara! I love you!! 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Happy Birthday, Dr. Clevins!

Happiest of birthdays to my oldest friend in the world, here known affectionately at Diagnostic as Dr. Clevins. He's a doctor of driving if you have to ask. Clevins performs and records pretty regularly in multiple acts affiliated with Diagnostic, including Day of the Tentacle, which should begin work soon on a new recording. I'm proud to have known him for over twenty years, and we've been making art together for over twelve. I look forward to making lots more noise with this asshole. Happy birthday, Andrew!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Rest in Peace, Robin Williams

In fourth grade I turned in a word problem I'd written without my name on it. My teacher knew to immediately hand it back to me because the two characters in my submission were named Mork and Mindy. Rest in peace, Robin Williams.